Thursday, January 29, 2009
Too Hot For NBC
As Ace notes, PETA would have been allowed to do a commercial if they would just tone down the Sex. The Lost One loves that the Lamb of Illinois can be used against the DNC's platform. Bloody brilliant.
Stupid Criminal
A 24-year-old Everett man was arrested Wednesday morning for allegedly trying to sell Oxycodone and other drugs inside a stall in the men’s bathroom at the Everett Police Station...Police say the man apparently thought he was at a probation office, not a police station.The Lost One must confess to being torn by this story. On the one hand, y'know, less criminals on the street. Yay, he guesses.
On the other hand, there is this Imagine for a second that you're Batman and you discover that The Joker, your arch rival, was a *Monk*-esque agoraphobic. And a retarded one at that. You know what the feeling is like, It's like, "This is the scourge that is destroying our culture and crashing our civilization? I'm deeply chagrined."
Wait a second, what if all of this is a clever plan to demoralize the Lost One by pretending to be so incompetent? Yes, that's better. The cheeky rogues.
Monday, January 26, 2009
A bit of British Humor
Now, is the Lost One allowed to say that? Has he just Guaranteed a life of lonely singleness?
He doesn't care, IT IS JUST A PINK RIBBON! It hasn't even been his wedding and this annoys him. Here's another:
The Lost One would swear there must be conversations like this going on between women, behind closed doors...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Because Ace was Frickin' on fire today...
First, Young Adolph Hitler Jr. has been removed from his parents home. CPS suspects abuse (You Think!).
Next, A man sells his daughter into "Marriage" for cash, meat (Romantic, No?), Gatorade, and Beer (Wait, now it all makes sense). PS Cohabitation is a euphamism, what for? The Lost One will leave it to you to figure out.
Tertiary, Humanity is forcing the evolution of all the things we are currently hunting to near extinction (You know, the Lost One once made this argument to one of his Hippee teachers. She had a near heart attack.) As Ace says, "You're welcome."
Finally, (though, honestly I'd heard about this from other sources...) a women's study major is auctioning off here virginity/ being shocked some of the bidders are, "Creepy". The Lost One is shocked she used the word, "Some". Then again, if she's actually going to go through with it, maybe not. The lies we tell ourself. Update: Ace has a link to a radio host trying to show the girl the error of her ways.
You can't make this stuff up, and Ace deserves some link love for his crack research. Go give it to him. Hasta.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Two in one day?!! Amazing.
3) as a child of Divorce, the Lost One is intimately familiar with divorce, and thus has an opinion (and an expert one at that). On to the article. In a response to an article from MSN, Ms. Hadley comments on the authors lack of enthusiasm for marriage saying:
I find it sad that the author refers to those who can't afford divorce as casualties. I'm not naïve to his meaning, but excluding abusive situations, casualty -- "a person or thing injured, lost, or destroyed" according to Websters -- seems like the wrong word. This perspective views a difficult marriage as a threat to personal happiness. Well, yeah. But that's why vows include "for better, for worse."
While the Lost One applauds the sentiments, he is bitter and jaded enough to wonder, is this trend of not divorcing really a good thing? Really, the Lost One is pro-marriage. But in our self centric culture one has to wonder if the participants in these not divorces are actually taking the time to honestly evaluate their own failings in the marriage, or merely counting time (and scoring points [in a game where there are only losers {none more then the children}] at one another's expense) until they can get a divorce. The fact of the matter is that the Lost One's own parents' divorce hardly resulted in behaviour that was the epitome of Chivalry and Champagne. While it is His hope that none would divorce, allowing a divorce that is much more restrictive (as indeed, most are when serious religious beliefs are followed [In the Christian faith, Jesus had some baaaaaaaaad things to say about divorce]), that removes a partner from the joys of the relationship, and the warmth of love by disallowing remarriage, and by serving a touch of social stigma might just be the thing to encourage conservative thinking. It sure worked for one of the Lost Parents. Any ways, just my thoughts on the subject, for what it's worth. Hasta.